Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Microsoft Delivers the Mango Juice

Microsoft Delivers the Mango Juice

Microsoft Delivers the Mango Juice

Posted: 24 May 2011 12:05 PM PDT

Among its various new features, Mango has smarter Live Tiles that can carry notifications and offer Twitter and LinkedIn support. Windows Live Messenger and Facebook Chat are integrated into Mango out of the box. Mango will also add visual voicemail support. Mango organizes information around people. For example, conversation threads will run across applications so users can switch between text, Facebook Chat and Windows Live Messenger within the same conversation. Users can view multiple email accounts in one linked inbox.

Facebook Wants to Hook 'Em Young

Posted: 24 May 2011 10:10 AM PDT

Facebook hopes to one day be permitted to draw young children into the Facebook fold. CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently suggested altering legal restrictions that prevent children younger than 13 from signing up for a Facebook account. Currently, the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act, a federal law passed in 1998, mandates that 13 is the minimum age at which a child may sign up for accounts on sites like Facebook. Zuckerberg argued that in our increasingly technology-driven society, education in online media is what will set students apart and boost the economy.

Amazon Goes Shopping for Tablet Baby Clothes

Posted: 24 May 2011 05:00 AM PDT

Reports indicate Amazon may be poised to surge into the tablet PC market. In an interview with Consumer Reports, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos uttered what might be construed as a hint about the company's plans. In addition, in an article in PC Magazine, analyst Tim Bajarin insists the company is indeed working on a tablet,analyst Tim Bajarin wrote in PC Magazine. "I would be very surprised at this point if they weren't working on a tablet," Tom Mainelli, a research manager at IDC, told TechNewsWorld. "More so than any other company out there, they have built up an ecosystem to support a media tablet."

Is Android Really the 'Open' Platform?

Posted: 24 May 2011 05:00 AM PDT

Much has been claimed by Google ever since the infant days of its Android mobile operating system. The claim it has seemed to champion the most is that its platform is open by nature. One of the biggest complaints about iOS has been Apple's lockdown policy, so naturally, Google would want to make its platform's openness a main selling point. Lately, though, it is starting to become apparent that Android isn't as "open" as we were led to believe.

Toyota's Got a Friend in

Posted: 24 May 2011 05:00 AM PDT is participating in a social media project with Toyota Motor, in what could launch the CRM company into an entirely new industry -- telematics. Or not. The agreement between and Toyota to collaborate on this offering, called "Toyota Friend," is still very much in its early days, said Robin Daniels, director of product marketing for Still, the concept the two companies outlined is intriguing.

With PhotoForge2, Hammering Out Great Photos Takes Some Elbow Grease

Posted: 24 May 2011 05:00 AM PDT

Among iPhone photography applications, Camera+ simply rules. I said as much back in March after using it only a couple of days, and since then it's been my go-to shooting app. My opinion hasn't changed -- it's a must-have app for anyone who takes photos with an iPhone. One of the things I like about Camera+ are its quick-edit options. You can make an image "Grunge" or "Hipster" or "So Emo" instantly, and you can toggle the depth of the effect. But what if you're more of a darkroom control freak -- someone who wants to use more traditional tools for fine-tweaking an image?

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